I keep thinking there will be a point for a breather, but apparently not! So I'll just write a bit for now.
Bells are making me crazy (other blog), I haven't practiced for days, the house is better than it was but I was so hoping it would look great for when my family came (we still have furniture to move, and there are two rocking chairs crammed in my bedroom because I have no where else to put them).
Today I have a stupid appointment with the trainer at the gym, she just wouldn't stop bugging me so I finally caved and now I can't believe I have to go. This trainer isn't working for me, I've had 4 sessions and she really annoyed me the last one. I have pre paid for 2 more, and I'd be happy just calling it even but apparently she won't. I actually like this lady as a person, she teaches the water aerobics class and is a great talker (it's a big gab session). But I've been going to kick-your-butt step aerobics lately, because I want to do more than visit and loll in the pool. Her training though is all weights, and I just am not able to come in for any more time at the gym. Should be an interesting session.
Tomorrow is the day Ds class goes to the museum (and of course I have to drive the giant truck with the camper still on!). I will probably have all 5 kindergardeners, seems unfair that I have the youngest and most kids. Also I am afraid to back up that camper, and I know parking is a bear downtown. What a mess. But all over by noon tomorrow!
Sorry I'm such a downer - hopefully better soon.
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