Monday, September 30, 2024

And once again with feeling

Dan is in Las Vegas now, about 2 months. Still looking for a job, trying to figure out life. He's living with a couple of friends and seems pretty happy, hopefully he will find some direction soon.

Jim had a horrible summer of prostate problems (seems like way too small a word). Excruciating pain and 9 trips to the ER (each many hours to days), before they finally admitted him and he was at Sacred Heart for 9 days! We were expecting he would need surgery but scheduling was months out - but then a procedure (prostatic artery embolization) which he had undergone to alleviate symptoms unexpectedly provided relief and surgery is currently unnecessary. Still reeling - he's coming off a boatload of drugs and things are kind of back to normal after 2 months of complete crazy.

My life was pretty much on hold during that time, but I have just started back playing and Jekyll & Hyde opened this week, and our little symphony has their first concert next week. So lots of playing! Hoping to do some of the visiting that got put off (my dad, cabin, C in Wyoming) after the show closes next week. Looking forward to a much less busy fall!

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