Sunday, October 21, 2007

insanity reigns

It seems the week is over and an new one beginning...I had such great plans! But we did get the "home theater" set up, Jim is all happy and we watched a couple of movies. It really is pretty cool, although still nothing I would ever buy on my own!

Ds bday is Friday, and I suppose I must decide about bringing treats to school. I seem to fantasize about making all these different wonderful treats! I am going insane trying to be a perfect mom. I also (perhaps foolishly) told him to invite his classmates (there are only 4) and their families to our house on Saturday for a party. Now that was really insane - our house does look BETTER, but it is not exactly BH&G. I'm trying not to get sucked into the cheap birthday party crap vortex, and buy a bunch of junk. I think I will get some little pumpkins for them to decorate with markers, and if the weather is good we can go on a hike down the back of our property. I am trying to think of how to have little prizes or something along the way, like markers on a trail?

In addition, I have to do all my music stuff, redo a poster for the Madrigal Singers, and oh yeah, I joined weight watchers! I am really trying to fit that in, because it seems important to not die of being a fat slob at 42. *sigh* The plan seems good, like you would be able to work it around what you eat if you plan carefully, but right now I just want them to give me a box of food and say, here's your food for the day!

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