Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So much stuff going on! Hard to believe I am leaving for Boise Saturday. Tomorrow I have an MRI scheduled for my ankle, which has been really bothering me for more than a year. With all the ice and stuff I think I strained it, and although it was getting better it is now bugging me a lot again. Now that we have insurance I thought I would have it looked at; last week they took an xray and it showed nothing so they said this was the next step. Would be GREAT to get this taken care of, since it is really affecting my activity (and God knows I don't need any more excuses!)

Also signed us up for garbage service! This is a big thing because we have never had it - and my beloved ASSURED me he would take care of all garbage and he never needed it as a single guy - how different could it be for a family? HAHAHAHA. So we do burn paper things (we are out in the country), and we recycle lots of stuff, but there are some things that just need to go to the dump. And J has made exactly zero trips to the dump since we have been married. So. Anyway, this service will only be once a month, so it shouldn't be too much of a pain (although it is 1/4 mile we have to haul the can to where they pick it up on the road!)

D still big into fish and the ocean, he is quite the lecturer and will bore anyone who holds still long enough. He wouldn't even go to the movies last week with K (who was babysitting) because there were no science movies. What a little nerd! But it's pretty cute.

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