Sunday, March 30, 2008

church humor

This was hilarious - probably won't be as funny written down but I have to try!

Today we got to church (only about 10 minutes late) and D went up for the Children's sermon. The pastor asked "Has anyone here ever been late for anything?"
D raised his little hand and called out "I am late for school almost every day!"
The congregation chortled.
Pastor commented "I see your mom is all red over there", and my darling child said "No, no - my DAD takes me to school!"
Louder laughing.
Pastor says "Well, we shouldn't throw them under the bus like that" (I am in tears laughing so hard)
D pipes up "I don't take the bus."

This is way funnier if you know all parties involved. Needless to say, lateness is a topic of relevance at our house. hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this story. I shared it with my roommate and then emailed it to my mother. I know D is not doing chores, but I hope he got something special for this performance. BRAVO!!!