Saturday, March 22, 2008

colored eggs

D and I colored eggs yesterday - he was home from school on a fake pinkeye problem (by the time I realized it wasn't actually pinkeye, I figured we'd just stay home). J's new work takes Good Friday off, so he was home too! D was really into green, teal, turquoise, blue etc. We did get one yellow and one reddish egg. I wish it had worked out to do our group egg dying with friends, but schedules were too complicated.

After the pinkeye problem, the nurse had suggested he might have been sick, or allergies. So I didn't really pay much attention to his lowering voice towards bedtime, but during the night we had croup-y coughing. Terrifying - really nothing worse than lying there wondering if your child can breathe. Last time he had croup we spent two days in the hospital, but we survived the night and I think things are looking better.

The other weird thing is that we had a blizzard yesterday! It snowed about 5 inches - and we had NOTHING before, people were taking off their snowtires and planting things in the garden - I had just put out the hummingbird feeder (which looks really hilarious with drifts of snow on it). Then it (mostly) all melted. We now have our own personal mud pit/driveway, I spun about 125 degrees trying to get out (and covering the car with mud. Cool.

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