Thursday, May 1, 2008

May day!

Happy May Day! It isn't snowing (yet) although it did yesterday. D made May baskets (paper) at school so we stopped at the neighbors on the way home to deliver. Fun, and they offered to watch him until Jim comes home from work! Yay, a slightly less frantic trip to orchestra/lessons tonight.

This is actually my student's last lesson (since orchestra is over), and I am thrilled to have a bit of a break. In two weeks we are going south (a little) to visit my auntie and uncle and take all the wood God left them neatly piled in their yard after a huge windstorm this winter. It will also be lovely to see them, and the cute little town they live in where my family is from.

Also trying to plan a trip to my friend's cabin near Yellowstone, difficult to organize with Jim's schedule, and Ds school, and should they go or not, blah blah blah. In July my family is coming here, but August (when I'm doing a million shows of Les Mis) Jim's family is having their get-together, so I can't go but the boyz probably will. So much for summer fun! We need to plan a real vacation next year, but maybe for winter so we can leave when it gets really depressing. Suggestions?

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